Mystery Blogger Award

I have been so excited ever since I was nominated/tagged to do this post! It’s a great way to get to know people and I really wanted to do a post more focused on myself, so perfect timing!!
I was kindly nominated by Kizzi May and you can find her blog and post here. Also this was created by Okoto Enigma to bring smaller bloggers together!

The Rules:
1. Put the award logo /image on your blog
2. List the rules
3. Thank whoever nominated you and provided a link to their blog
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog
5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
6. You have to nominate 10-20 people
7. Notify each of you nominees by commenting on their blog
8. Ask nominees any five questions of your choice; with on weird of funny question (specify)
9.Share your link to your best post(s)

Three things about me;

1. I’m in year 10 and my favourite subject is textiles
2. I want to do photography or fashion when I’m older
3. I probably love One Direction a bit too much…

My best post;

My favourite blog post would probably have to be my Autumn post as I loved writing it as I love autumn. However I did really enjoy doing one of my latest posts which was a What’s in my bag, as I really enjoyed taking the photos for it and it is one of my most viewed post which made me really happy.

Kizzi’s Questions;

1. If I could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
This is such a hard one as I have a long list of places I would love to go to!! My first place would be New York which I’m going to very soon and second would have to be Santorini or L.A! I’m so indecisive when it comes to travelling as I would love to travel anywhere!!

2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is so tricky as I always crave different types of food!! It would probably have to be chicken because I love chicken and it tastes so good!!

3.What are you most look forward to in 2017?
I’m most looking forward to going on holiday in February as I’m going to New York which is a place I haven wanted to go for years so I am so excited for that. But I’m also really excited to improve my blog as I’m really determined this year!

4. If you could give one tip about blogging, what would it be?
Believe in yourself. Although my blog is still so small, I have come so far! I used to get a couple people reading my posts now I get so many (for me) and I’m so proud that I didn’t give up! If I didn’t believe in myself I wouldn’t be o my blog today!

5. And finally, the silly one…. would you rather have arms as legs, or legs as arms??
I hate this question, I can never decide!! Would probably have to have legs as arms!

People I tag are..
(sorry if you have done this before!!)

Zara McIntosh
Jodie and a blog
In Mia Land
Love Melissa
Ella Renee
As told by Kirsty
Lily Rose
Freja LKane
Little Bloggers Diary

My Five Questions;

1. What is your essential beauty product?
2. What/Who inspired you to start your blog?
3. What do you want to achieve this year?
4. What cheers you up the most?
5. And a silly one… what would your super power be if you had one?

Kate Xx

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