2016 has whizzed by for me and I am very excited for this new year as I have set some realistic goals and have some great things planned!
For this post I wanted to reflect on 2016 and the things I’ve learnt from this year.
♡ I Don’t Care About What You Think;
I always get so worried about what people will think but and the end of lest year, I realised how pathetic I was being. It’s my life, not theirs and if they don’t like it then too bad for them. I was so scared to start my blog as I didn’t want anyone to find it but know if someone found it, I would not give a damn because I am so proud of myself.
Go for what you want to do. This year I’m doing what I want to do, who cares what people think? Not me hunny, not me.
♡ Good Friends Can Mean The World;
In 2016, I definitely found my tribe! At the start of 2016, I made friends with a different people and now I am so happy that I have the best four people around me. I can trust my friends so much and I am so grateful for them. Good friends are so important and I cannot wait to make some amazing memories with them this year!
♡ Hard Work, Pays Off;
♡ London Is My Favourite Place;
I have been to London three times this year which I was lucky to and I just love being in London and it is definitely where I want to be when I am older.
I have been thinking about my future so much recently and I hope I can live in London when I’m older. I am such a city girl and I hope I can work hard to get to where I want to be. Fingers crossed.
♡ I Can Be Independent;
Although I only turned 14 last year, I have realised I am capable of things I would have never imagined. I went to Spain with my school and I was so scared and anxious for it but being there having the best time with two of my closest friends was so amazing. Also doing little things on my own that I don’t care about being on my own, I actually quite like being on my own, which is something I’d thought I would never say!
♡ Don’t Overthink;
I am one of the biggest over thinkers ever! Although I still tend to overthink, I have realised that I don’t need to and it gets me no where. Even though I overthink still, I now tell myself to stop and reassure myself about the thing I am overthinking. Hopefully 2017 will be the year I stop over thinking so much!
♡ 0 Cares About Calories;
One thing I use to overthink about way too much was calories. Trying to stick to under 2000 calories a day, I use to even track my daily food to see how much I was eating. Thinking back on that it actually makes me laugh. Now I don’t give a damn about how much I eat, I don’t check the nutrition labels anymore, I just eat what I want.
♡ Positive Outcomes From Positive Thinking;
2016 taught me that my mindset was everything. The more I think positive about things and tell myself it will work out then it is more likely to and you will enjoy it more. Although in some situations it can be harder, the results are always worth it!
♡ Go For It;
This also links with my overthinking! There has been so many times when I feel like doing something but I don’t because I am worried what that person will think. At the end of 2016, I realised how pathetic this is! At the end of the day if it goes wrong, at least you tried! You will never know if you don’t give it a go.
♡ Lotus Spread Is My Life;
If you have not tried Lotus spread then I have no idea what you have been doing with your life. It tastes amazing. Yes I do just get a spoon and eat it out of the jar, and yes it tastes amazing!! Also if you want something for that time of the month that makes everything better, this is it. I have demolished many jars of it this year and my mum even made my birthday cake out of it…
p.s I’ve linked it here because you all need to try it
♡ Love Yourself;
♡ Believe In Yourself;
I do honestly think that if you don’t believe in yourself that you won’t get anywhere. At the end of 2016 I did try to stop doubting myself all the time and try and have faith in myself. This also made me so much prouder in myself when I completed whatever I was doing as I knew I had believed in myself so I knew I could do it.
♡ The Blogging Community Is So Nice;
From only starting my blog halfway through 2016, I feel so welcomed! I have been using twitter so much recently and I have been talking to so many people and I have never talked to nicer people ever!! I am usually so anxious with talking to new people but I have loved talking to some bloggers and I cannot wait to meet some new people.
♡ Buy It When You See It;
♡ Shopping Will Forever Make Me Happy;
Whoever said ‘money can’t buy happiness’ hadn’t obviously not been to Zara or the John Lewis Beauty counters! When I need a little happiness boost shopping will do the job, hitting the shops with my friends is one of my favourite things! Even if your saving your money, window shopping or helping your friends out is so relaxing.
♡ Wearing Socks In Bed Is The Best;
What have you learnt from 2016?
Kate Xx
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