2017. The Positivity Project

 I am a religious reader of the Glamour magazine and as this months subscription came I got inspired by this one article! It was all about positivity and 30 ways to bring positivity into your life especially when it’s the start of the new year.
So I have done my own take of it and here are my 30 tips to stay positive this year, ranging from small little things to brighten your day;

♡ Blast your favourite song out for a dance (obvs One Direction)

♡ Finger breathe, trace up your finger and breathe in, then down your finger and breathe out

♡ 1 minute meditation 

♡ Make tea for your family 

♡ Go on a random shopping trip

♡ Bake some cakes you haven’t made before

♡ Let someone go in front of you in the queue 

♡ Do some Zumba with your friends 

♡ Write down your positive thoughts 

♡ Read some blogs

♡ Try a new hairstyle

♡ Order something online that you have been wanting for ages 

♡ Binge out on chocolate and sweets

♡ Leave a random note for someone so they will find it later in the day

♡ Put on a face mask and watch tv

♡ Buy a tasty snack for someone homeless or poor

♡ Do a small 3 minute burst of exercise

♡ Donate some old clothes to charity

♡ Take a selfie a day (makes you feel better about yourself!!)

♡ Learn some mindfulness

♡ Treat yourself to breakfast out

♡ Say ‘yes’ not ‘no’

♡ Go on a quick 10 minute walk and take some pictures

♡ Stay of social media for a day

♡ Have  long relaxing sleep

♡ Remember what makes you happy

♡ Eat healthy

♡ Make a memory box

♡ Take your time doing you hair, makeup and picking an outfit

♡ And remember to… smile!

How do you stay positive?
Kate Xx

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