BLOGMAS Day 9: Helping Others At Christmas

Although most of us think of Christmas as a time of happiness and a time where all the family and everyone you know is happy and full of company, it’s not like that for everyone.
It was World Volunteer Day on the 5th of December and it got me thinking of what I can do to help my community and people around me so I have put some ideas together that we can all do to make sure no-one is feeling down this Christmas.

1. Visit those who are lonely

This is one of the most easiest things to do but can mean so much to someone who is alone. Popping round to a family member that might be alone one night with a batch of fresh cakes or making them a cup of tea would make their day.
Many people are alone at Christmas time, maybe your neighbour or family or anyone else and I think as well as bringing a smile to someone else’s face, it would bring a smile to yours.

2. Surprise Someone
This is one I always think of because of a Christmas advert last year, which I am sure it was the Co-operative advert last year. 
But I think surprising someone with something nice and unexpected is so lovely. For example just leaving some food on someones step or surprising someone with a gift. 
I know how much an unexpected gift from someone can make your day and sometimes that is so much nicer than a big present.

3.Volunteer at your local charity

This is so easy to do and people will appreciate your help so much. People working at charity shops might feel stressed and busy at a shop at Christmas time on their own so helping out at your local shop will be a dream come true for the shop owner!
Also it is so easy to walk down to your local charity shop every week to help out only for an hour or two, something so small can mean something huge for someone else.

4. Operation Christmas Child

Everyone must have heard of this or hopefully done it before. So many people will not get a Christmas present and donating a shoe box full of little goodies would make someone over the moon.
I will often watch the videos from Operation Christmas Child and they honestly make me cry! I think this is such a good idea and really pays off when you see the people receiving them with the biggest smiles on their face.

5. Help the homeless

There are many homeless people in the world unfortunately and they will wake up on Christmas day without any family, food and maybe not even a roof on their head. I know that many community centres or some churches will host food for the homeless with other facilities.
I have heard many people on Christmas day will wake up early to go and help the homeless before they think about themselves. I have never done this myself but I would love to as I think it would be the perfect start to your day.

What will you be doing to give this Christmas?
Thank you for reading and I will see you tomorrow!
Kate Xx